Type |
19A Peer Review Committee |
College |
Provides recommendations to the Dean with regard to the award of IFO 19A professional development funds. The committee reviews proposals from the faculty for research, professional development, or assistance with seeking terminal degrees, and make recommendations for funding. The Dean may also make recommendations. Both recommendations are forwarded to the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. The committee will consider applications for adjunct funding requests at the beginning of each semester. |
Dean (ex-officio, non-voting). Each academic department is entitled to 1 member on the college Peer Review Committee. If a department has more than 1 program and more than twenty (20) FTE faculty, the department may select two members as long as they are from different programs within the department. Two adjunct instructors per college (if no adjunct instructors are available, these positions may be filled by full-time or part-time, fixed-term faculty members). All members must be Faculty Association members. All members are selected for 1 academic year at a time. Members may serve up to 4 consecutive, 1 year terms, but must then step down for at least a year. |
Academic Advising Committee |
University |
Makes recommendations on improving academic advising
procedures. |
Director of Academic Support Center (chair)
1 Admissions Office
1 Financial Aid Office
1 Registrar Office
2 Faculty
2 Students |
Academic Appeals Committee |
University |
Reviews student appeals for exemptions from academic requirements and decides on each case. Due to matters of confidentiality, committee meetings are closed. |
Registrar (chair)
1 Registrar
1 Financial Aid
1 Counseling Services
3 Faculty
2 students |
Academic Calendar Committee |
University |
Ad hoc every 2 years. Develop and recommend the University calendar to the President, including the calendar for summer session. Consults with Academic Affairs Council, Graduate Council, Faculty Senate, staff, and students in the calendar's development |
1 Registrar (co-chair)
1 Financial Aid
1 First Year Program
1 Dean
4 faculty
1 graduate student
1 student (graduate or undergraduate) |
Athletic Compliance Review Committee |
Compliance |
Established to provide a forum for conversation regarding MSUM Athletics policies, procedures, timelines, and deadlines; recent NCAA and/or NSIC interpretations ; and general rules education of the newly adopted NCAA legislation. Will meet in early September, November, February, and April. |
Assistant Athletic Director for Compliance and Student Services
Faculty Athletics Representative
Registrar or designee
Director of Scholarship and Financial Aid or designee
Director of Admissions or designee
Director of the Academic Support Center or designee
University Comptroller or designee |
Center for Entrepreneurial Studies Steering Committee |
Steering |
Responsible for the strategic direction of the
Center, including making recommendations about the budget, advice and
support on curricular and other departmentally based activities. |
Dean of CBAC (ex-officio, non-voting)
5 faculty with interest and expertise in social innovation and
2 students (undergraduate or graduate) |
Center for Geospatial Studies Steering Committee |
Steering |
Responsible for the strategic direction of the
Center, oversight of the budget, and advice and support on curricular
and other departmentally based activities related to the Center. |
Dean of CSHE
2 faculty from Anthropology and Earth Science
1 faculty from Biosciences
4 faculty with an interest and expertise in geospatial studies
2 students (undergraduate or graduate) |
College Recruiting and Engagement Committee - CAH |
Advisory |
Develop and recommend a comprehensive recruiting plan
and a comprehensive engagement plan for the college. Make
recommendations related to on-campus recruiting events, recruiting
communication plans, promotional materials, community engagement
activities, and marketing/outreach activities. Review and assess
recruiting and engagement activities for effectiveness. |
Dean (chair)
Faculty Department Chair from each department
Student Relations Coordinator from college
1 Admissions
1 Marketing and Communication
Up to 2 additional staff members from college |
College Recruiting and Engagement Committee - CBAC |
Advisory |
Develop and recommend a comprehensive recruiting plan
and a comprehensive engagement plan for the college. Make
recommendations related to on-campus recruiting events, recruiting
communication plans, promotional materials, community engagement
activities, and marketing/outreach activities. Review and assess
recruiting and engagement activities for effectiveness. |
Dean (chair)
Faculty Department Chair from each department
Student Relations Coordinator from college
1 Admissions
1 Marketing and Communication
Up to 2 additional staff members from college |
College Recruiting and Engagement Committee - CEHS |
Advisory |
Develop and recommend a comprehensive recruiting plan
and a comprehensive engagement plan for the college. Make
recommendations related to on-campus recruiting events, recruiting
communication plans, promotional materials, community engagement
activities, and marketing/outreach activities. Review and assess
recruiting and engagement activities for effectiveness. |
Dean (chair)
Faculty Department Chair from each department
Student Relations Coordinator from college
1 Admissions
1 Marketing and Communication
Up to 2 additional staff members from college |
College Recruiting and Engagement Committee - CSHE |
Advisory |
Develop and recommend a comprehensive recruiting plan
and a comprehensive engagement plan for the college. Make
recommendations related to on-campus recruiting events, recruiting
communication plans, promotional materials, community engagement
activities, and marketing/outreach activities. Review and assess
recruiting and engagement activities for effectiveness. |
Dean (chair)
Faculty Department Chair from each department
Student Relations Coordinator from college
1 Admissions
1 Marketing and Communication
Up to 2 additional staff members from college |
Committee on Committees |
University |
Ad hoc every odd year to review and make
recommendations about the status of existing committees and task
forces. |
Vice President for Finance and Administration (chair)
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs
3 faculty (including Faculty Association President)
1 student (undergraduate or graduate) |
Dragon Dome Predesign Steering Committee |
Programmatic |
Assist in the planning of a new, freestanding facility to provide training and practice space for student-athletes, as well as some general purpose space for non-athlete students. Participants will be expected to assist in establishing program scope, and to provide feedback and suggestions throughout the predesign process. There will be opportunities to engage additional faculty, staff, students, and other subject matter experts for particular meetings. |
Executive Director of Facilities Management (chair)
Gender Equity in Athletics Committee Chair or Title IX Coordinator
1 Recreation and Wellness
1 Student Life
Vice President for Finance and Administration
Vice President for University Advancement
Vice President for Enrollment Management & Student Affairs
Athletic Director
2 IFO (1 from Athletics, and 1 from HPE)
3 students (1 student athlete, 1 from Intramurals/Club Sports and 1 from student life)
Elections Committee |
Faculty Association |
The committee is responsible for consulting with units about changes in configuration of
those units and making recommendations to the Senate where such changes are necessary
or desired. They shall also give notice of filing periods, arrange appropriate times and
places for holding elections, schedule the staffing of election tables, publish election
procedures and distribute necessary forms, conduct elections, and tabulate and publish
the results. |
Four MSUM FA members |
Equity By Design |
University |
The purpose of this workgroup is to close the equity gap--as measured by lower graduation rates--between African American, Asian American, American Indian, and Latinx students when compared to Caucasian students. This group will strategize ways to create equity-minded practices, pedagogy, curriculum, and inclusive communities. The EDB methodology is data-informed, impacts organizational development and talent management, while prioritizing equity in academic outcomes. |
Students, Faculty and Administrators. |
Facilities, Grounds, and Safety Committee |
University |
Makes recommendations regarding the policies, use, modification, and planning of MSU Moorhead's facilities and grounds (including parking areas) with particular regard for mitigating risk. Ensures regulatory compliance with OSHA, ADA, and other applicable laws and codes, and recommends measures required to rectify deficiencies.
• Campus Safety
o Purpose: Reviews incident, near miss, and property damage reports and alleged hazardous working conditions. Recommends appropriate plans, programs, procedures, and training to promote safety and security of individuals and university property, environmental health, and occupational safety. Recommendations presented to FGSC for consideration.
• Campus Space
o Purpose: Provide input and feedback on the efficient and flexible use of facilities to accomplish the University mission and priorities.
• Parking Appeals
o Purpose: Reviews appeals regarding parking violations issued by the University and decides on the appeal in each case. Due to matters of confidentiality, committee meetings are closed.
o Parking Appeals Subcommittee Membership:
o 1 IFO
o 1 student (undergraduate or graduate)
Executive Director of Facilities Management (Co-Chair),
Public Safety Director (Co-Chair),
Facilities Project Manager,
Safety Administrator,
Director of Accessibility Resources,
Building & Grounds Maintenance Supervisor (Dual role as MMA rep),
Director of Housing and Residential Life or designee,
Sustainability Coordinator,
Physical Plant Supervisor,
Campus Room Scheduler,
Vice President for Enrollment Management & Student Affairs or designee,
Academic Affairs Administrator,
Associate Vice President for Finance and Administration and Chief Information Officer or designee,
Campus Human Resources Officer (CHRO) or designee,
Athletic Director or designee,
2 (1 clerical or technical unit and 1 craft, maintenance & labor or service unit)
2 (undergraduate or graduate)
(Approved 10/19/2023 Meet & Confer) |
Faculty and Professional Learning Committee |
University |
Makes recommendations concerning continuing
professional growth in the faculty. Makes recommendations on the
planning and implementation of the University Professional Development
Day. |
The designated person the committee is advisory to is responsible to convene the first committee meeting to facilitate a democratic process of the committee members to determine the committee chair.
• Faculty Development Coordinator
• 1 Office of Online Learning
• 1 dean
• 1 from each college and 1 Librarian or Coach
• 1
Financial Aid & Academic Suspension Appeals Committee |
Student Affairs |
Reviews student appeals regarding eligibility to receive financial aid and makes decisions regarding early reinstatement from academic suspension, making recommendations for further action when deemed appropriate. Due to matters of confidentiality, committee meetings are closed. |
• Academic Success Center Coordinator of Academic Intervention (chair)
• 1 Business Services
• 1 Registrar
• 1 Financial Aid
• 2
• 2
• 2 (undergraduate or graduate)
First Year Experience Programmatic Committee |
Programmatic |
The co-chairs will work together to incorporate effective practices in the course and to coordinate first year activities outside of the classroom with those inside the classroom. The First Year Director provides overall project management of timelines and coordination with
non-classroom entities that are integral to the success of FYE as part of first year programs.
The faculty co-chair provides leadership on the classroom components of FYE, including course content and pedagogy. The faculty on the committee will be responsible for developing the academic component of the FYE course, including making recommendations about the curriculum and staffing requirements, conducting programmatic assessment, program review, and deciding on course exceptions to the university FYE course requirement. Committee members provide input
on the coordination of the FYE course with other first-year retention efforts.
• First Year Program Director (co-chair)
• 1 Academic Affairs
• 1 Registrar
• 1 Academic Success Center
• 5 (1 from each college and 1 Librarian or Coach (unless there are insufficient volunteers) (1 is co-chair selected by Faculty Senate for a 2-year term) (Selected co-chair serves as a representative on the Student Life Pathways Advisory Board)
• 1
• 2 (undergraduate or graduate)
Gender Equity in Athletics Committee |
Compliance |
Develops the MSUM Title IX Athletics policy and the MSUM Gender Equity Plan for Athletics, which would include 1) the issue(s) of concern and/or the current status, 2) the goal for improvement in specific areas, 3) the timeline for accomplishment, and 4) the individual(s) responsible for accomplishing the goal. Annually reassesses and modifies the Gender Equity Plan for Athletics in conjunction with evaluating data on all subjects of Title IX compliance. Evaluates petitions for varsity status. |
• Title IX Coordinator (chair)
• Faculty Athletics Representative (ex-officio, voting)
• Assistant Director of Recreation: Competitive Sports
• 1 Foundation
• Executive Director of Facilities Management
• Athletics Senior Woman Administrator
• Vice President for Finance and Administration or designee
• Vice President for Enrollment Management & Student Affairs or designee
• Athletic Director or designee
• 1
• 2 varsity coaches (1 male sport and 1 female sport) (ex-officio, voting)
• 2 student athletes (1 male sport and 1 female sport)
• 1 student (intramural/club sport student participant)
• 1 student at large (undergraduate or graduate)
Global Education Committee |
Programmatic |
Fosters an environment of global welcome and respect on our campus. Encourages campus-wide and community support for global education initiatives and collaborates with departments across campus to provide programming and communication related to global education efforts. Supports international students and scholars as well as students who wish to study abroad and students applying for Fullbright awards. |
The designated person the committee is advisory to is responsible to convene the first committee meeting to facilitate a democratic process of the committee members to determine the committee chair.
• Director of Global Engagement
• AVP for Academic Affairs and Dean of Graduate Studies
• 1 dean (dual role with AVP for AA)
• 4
• 1
• 2 (1 international, 1 study abroad)
Graduate Council |
University |
Makes recommendations on the scope, direction and
integrity of the University\'s Graduate Programs; recommends policies,
procedures, courses and curriculum changes to the Faculty Senate; and
makes recommendations regarding membership on the graduate faculty.
Only faculty can review curriculum or the credentials of graduate
faculty. |
• Graduate and Extended Learning Student Support Specialist (non-voting on curriculum matters)
• AVPAA & Dean of Graduate Studies (co-chair)
IFO (co-chair elected by the committee)
• 1 Graduate Faculty per Graduate Program
• 2 additional Graduate Faculty Appointees
• 2 (graduate, non-voting on curriculum matters)
Guided Learning Pathways Committee |
Programmatic |
With an equity lens, review, assess, and improve key components of MSUM’s student success initiatives, including curriculum design, orientation, first-year experience, and academic advising. |
• Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (co-chair)
• Vice President for Enrollment and Student Affairs (co-chair)
• 1 dean
• 2
• 3
• 1
• 1
• 1 (undergraduate or graduate)
Higher Learning Commission Coordinating Committee |
University |
Makes recommendations concerning the University's
compliance with HLC criteria for accreditation and assists the Vice
President for Academic Affairs in University planning to maintain HLC
accredited status, including recommendations and assistance relevant
to HLC mandated institutional self-study. |
• 2 Academic Affairs
• 1 Enrollment Management
• 1 Office of Institutional Effectiveness
• 1 Student Affairs
• 1 Finance and Administration
• 1 Enrollment Management Administrator or designee
• 1 Dean or Academic Affairs representative (Co-chair)
• 1 from each college and 1 Librarian or Coach (Co-chair elected biennially by the committee)
• 3 (undergraduate or graduate)
Honors Programmatic Committee |
Programmatic |
Makes recommendations regarding Honors Program curriculum and admission requirements, appointing Honors Program director, mentoring Honors students, resource requirements, and program evaluation. |
• Honors Program Director (Chair)
• 1 Academic Dean (non-voting, ex officio)
• 1 from each college and 1 Librarian or Coach
• 1 student (non-voting on curriculum and personnel recommendations) (undergraduate or graduate)