Type |
Created By |
Matt (admin) Craig
Changed By |
Matt (admin) Craig
Created On |
2021-04-26 20:21:55.020964
Changed On |
2022-05-04 13:29:27.890125
Name |
First Year Experience Programmatic Committee
Description |
The co-chairs will work together to incorporate effective practices in the course and to coordinate first year activities outside of the classroom with those inside the classroom. The First Year Director provides overall project management of timelines and coordination with
non-classroom entities that are integral to the success of FYE as part of first year programs.
The faculty co-chair provides leadership on the classroom components of FYE, including course content and pedagogy. The faculty on the committee will be responsible for developing the academic component of the FYE course, including making recommendations about the curriculum and staffing requirements, conducting programmatic assessment, program review, and deciding on course exceptions to the university FYE course requirement. Committee members provide input
on the coordination of the FYE course with other first-year retention efforts.
Membership |
• First Year Program Director (co-chair)
• 1 Academic Affairs
• 1 Registrar
• 1 Academic Success Center
• 5 (1 from each college and 1 Librarian or Coach (unless there are insufficient volunteers) (1 is co-chair selected by Faculty Senate for a 2-year term) (Selected co-chair serves as a representative on the Student Life Pathways Advisory Board)
• 1
• 2 (undergraduate or graduate)
Advisory To |
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Number Senate Appoints |
Appoint By College |
Special Conditions |
Active |